

Disclosure pursuant to Sec. 25 of the Media Act and information pursuant to Sec. 5 of the E-Commerce Act (ECG)

Media owner and publisher:

Wiener Messe und Congress GmbH
Messeplatz 1, 1020 Wien
P.O. Box 277, 1021 Wien                                                                                                       
Tel.: +43 1 727 20
Fax: +43 1 727 20 – 4709

Commercial register no: FN 201772z                                                                            
Commercial register: Commercial Court Vienna
Domicile: Vienna
UID no: ATU 50469005

Chamber: Wiener Messe und Congress GmbH members of the economic chamber Vienna.

Scope of corporate activities: The company’s scope of activities includes in particular the preparation, organisation and performance of trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses and conferences of all kind and the leasing of premises for trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses and conferences of all kind.

Applicable legal regulations: In particular, the applicable legal regulations include the valid version of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO), which can be viewed at

Responsible supervisory authority: Municipal district office for 1020 Vienna

Whistleblower system
The EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (“EU Whistleblowing Directive”) came into force in December 2021 and was implemented with the Whistleblower Protection Act. In accordance with the EU Directive, the law provides for the establishment of an office for the confidential reporting of EU law violations.

You can reach the ombudsman’s office using the following contact details

Website: Whistleblower system
Telephone hotline: +43 72 42 30 66 77 810 (weekdays from 08:00 to 20:00)
E-mail address:

Here you can find FAQs about the whistleblower system and the process behind it.

Terms of Use

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